S1/CS1 - Bury The Hatchling (1:56)
T9 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Tony Bennett (3:02)

S2/CS2 - The Family That Strays Together (1:00)
CS3 - Isla Nubar We There Yet (:34)
S3/CS4 - Welcome To Jurassic World (2:09)
S22/CS5 - The Hammond Lab Overture (1:08)@
S4/CS6 - As The Jurassic World Turns (:00-2:26)@ [Rename to “Does This Dino Make Jurassic Look Big”]
S21 - It's A Small Jurassic World (1:43)@
CS8 - Claire with Kids (:22)
S4/CS9 - As The Jurassic World Turns (2:26-End)
CS10 - Raptor Attention (2:15)
CS11 - This Little Piggy (1:36)
CS12 - The Raptors of War (1:23)
S5/CS13-14 - Clearly His First Rodeo (3:28)@
CS15 - Devil-May-Claire Attitude (1:12)
S6/CS16 - Owen You Nothing (1:20)
CS17 - The Mosasauraus Rhapsody (:41)
S7/CS18 - Indominus Wrecks (6:12)@
CS19 - The Calm After the Storm (:56)
CS20 - Wolf in Creeps Clothing (1:48)
CS21 - Monorail Journey (:32)*
S23/CS22 - The Brockway Monorail (1:46)@
CS23 - A Divorce of Nature (1:58)
CS24 - Come Hell or High Slaughter (3:32)
CS25 - Mad Scientist Disease (2:25)
S24/CS27 - Sunrise O'Er Jurassic World (2:06)@
CS28 - The Jimmy Fallon Serenade (Source) (1:06)
S8/CS29 - Gyrosphere Of Influence (3:14)
CS30 - Five is the Scariest Number (3:42)
S9/CS32 - Pavane For A Dead Apatosaurus (4:45)@
CS33 - Ye Old Visitor Center (2:45)
CS34 - This Place Gives Me the Jeeps (1:01)
CS35 - Uno Masrani (2:08)
S10/CS36 - Fits And Jumpstarts (1:32)
CS37 - Entropy in the Aviary (1:47)
S11/CS38 - The Dimorphodon Shuffle (2:14)@
J1 - The Ever Elusive Future - Jimmy Buffett (3:54)

S12/CS41 - Love In The Time of Pterosauria (4:31)
CS42 - Your Alpha is Showing (1:16)
CS43 - Your Beta is Showing (1:13)
CS44 - Your Charlie is Showing (1:24)
CS45 - Bond of Brothers (2:16)
S13/CS46 - Chasing The Dragons (2:54)%
CS47 - Alpha Beta Charlie Dinner (:48)
S14/CS48 - Raptor Your Heart Out (3:51)@
CS49 - Lowery Your Expectations (1:19)
CS50 - Island of Dr. Hoskins (2:00)
S15/CS51-52 - Costa Rican Standoff (4:38)@
S16/CS53 - Our Rex Is Bigger Than Yours (2:41)@
S17/CS55 - Growl And Make Up (1:16)
S18/CS56 - Nine To Survival Job (2:34)
CS57 - The Park is Closed-End Credits (8:45)
S20/CS61 - Jurassic World Suite (12:54)@*
Bonus Tracks:
CS26 - Mad Scientist Disease (Alt. Insert) (1:06)
CS31 - Five is the Scariest Number (Alt. Insert) (:10)
CS39 - The Dimorphodon Shufflee (Alt. Insert) (:19) [Heard in S11]
CS54 - Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours (Alt. Insert) (:30) [Heard in S16]
S19/CS58 - The Park Is Closed (1:39) [Rename to “The Park is Closed (Alt. 1)”]
CS59 - The Park is Closed (Alt. 2) (1:51)
CS60 - The Park is Closed (Alt. 3) (1:43)
* = Partially or completely unused
@ = The commercial release track is edited
% = The ending of this track flows into S14
J = The Ever Elusive Future (Single)
S = Score
T = Snowfall: The Christmas Album
Jurassic World (Commercial Release)
S1 - Bury The Hatchling (1:56)
S2 - The Family That Strays Together (1:00)
S3 - Welcome To Jurassic World (2:09)
S22 - The Hammond Lab Overture (1:08)
S4 - As The Jurassic World Turns (:00-2:26) [Rename to “Does This Dino Make Jurassic Look Big”]
S21 - It's A Small Jurassic World (1:43)
S4 - As The Jurassic World Turns (2:26-End)
S5 - Clearly His First Rodeo (3:28)
S6 - Owen You Nothing (1:20)
S7 - Indominus Wrecks (6:12)
S23 - The Brockway Monorail (1:46)
S24 - Sunrise O'Er Jurassic World (2:06)
S8 - Gyrosphere Of Influence (3:14)
S22 - The Hammond Lab Overture (1:08)
S9 - Pavane For A Dead Apatosaurus (4:45)
S10 - Fits And Jumpstarts (1:32)
S11 - The Dimorphodon Shuffle (2:14)
S12 - Love In The Time of Pterosauria (4:31)
S13 - Chasing The Dragons (2:54)
S14 - Raptor Your Heart Out (3:51)
S15 - Costa Rican Standoff (4:38)
S16 - Our Rex Is Bigger Than Yours (2:41)
S17 - Growl And Make Up (1:16)
S18 - Nine To Survival Job (2:34)
S19 - The Park Is Closed (1:39)
S20 - Jurassic World Suite (12:54)
Jurassic Park (Complete Score)
CS1 - Bury the Hatchling (2:00)
CS2 - The Family that Strays Together (1:04)
CS3 - Isla Nubar We There Yet (:34)
CS4 - Welcome To Jurassic World (2:12)
CS5 - The Hammond Lab Overture (Source) (1:55)
CS6 - Does This Dino Make Jurassic Look Big (2:37)
CS7 - It's a Small Jurassic World (Source) (2:11)
CS8 - Claire with Kids (:22)
CS9 - As the Jurassic World Turns (3:09)
CS10 - Raptor Attention (2:15)
CS11 - This Little Piggy (1:36)
CS12 - The Raptors of War (1:23)
CS13 - Clearly His First Rodeo (1:58)
CS14 - Glorified Petting Zoo (1:50)
CS15 - Devil-May-Claire Attitude (1:12)
CS16 - Owen You Nothing (1:21)
CS17 - The Mosasauraus Rhapsody (:41)
CS18 - Indominus Wrecks (6:37)
CS19 - The Calm After the Storm (:56)
CS20 - Wolf in Creeps Clothing (1:48)
CS21 - Monorail Journey (Unused) (:32)
CS22 - The Brockway Monorail (Source) (1:50)
CS23 - A Divorce of Nature (1:58)
CS24 - Come Hell or High Slaughter (3:32)
CS25 - Mad Scientist Disease (2:25)
CS26 - Mad Scientist Disease (Alt. Insert) (1:06)
CS27 - Sunrise O'er Jurassic Park (Source) (2:15)
CS28 - The Jimmy Fallon Serenade (Source) (1:06)
CS29 - Gyrosphere of Influence (3:14)
CS30 - Five is the Scariest Number (3:42)
CS31 - Five is the Scariest Number (Alt. Insert) (:10)
CS32 - Pavane for a Dead Apatosaurus (5:26)
CS33 - Ye Old Visitor Center (2:45)
CS34 - This Place Gives Me the Jeeps (1:01)
CS35 - Uno Masrani (2:08)
CS36 - Fits and Jumpstarts (1:33)
CS37 - Entropy in the Aviary (1:47)
CS38 - The Dimorphodon Shuffle (2:19)
CS39 - The Dimorphodon Shufflee (Alt. Insert) (:19)
CS40 - A Reign of Pteranodons (:35)
CS41 - Love in the Time of Pterosauria (4:33)
CS42 - Your Alpha is Showing (1:16)
CS43 - Your Beta is Showing (1:13)
CS44 - Your Charlie is Showing (1:24)
CS45 - Bond of Brothers (2:16)
CS46 - Chasing the Dragons (2:59)
CS47 - Alpha Beta Charlie Dinner (:48)
CS48 - Raptor Your Heart Out (4:31)
CS49 - Lowery Your Expectations (1:19)
CS50 - Island of Dr. Hoskins (2:00)
CS51 - Costa Rican Standoff (1:43)
CS52 - The Teeth Degree (3:31)
CS53 - Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours (3:05)
CS54 - Our Rex is Bigger Than Yours (Alt. Insert) (:30)
CS55 - Growl and Make-Up (1:19)
CS56 - Nine to Survival (2:37)
CS57 - The Park is Closed-End Credits (8:45)
CS58 - The Park is Closed (Alt. 1) (1:43)
CS59 - The Park is Closed (Alt. 2) (1:51)
CS60 - The Park is Closed (Alt. 3) (1:43)
CS61 - Jurassic World Suite (Composer Sketch) (14:10)
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