When in Rome (2010)

When in Rome
A4 - Kickin' With You - Jason Mraz (3:22)
A1 - Starstrukk - 3OH!3 and Katy Perry (3:22)
A8 - Shine - Laura Izibor (3:34)
MX100T87 - Rockin' Bride - Patrice Irving and Richard Wagner (:30)
P9 - Sometimes Something (1:51) [Rename to "Two Week Relationship"]
AD15 - Canon and Gigue in D Major: Gigue (1:53)C1 - Cherry Pie - Warrant (3:23)
AD16 - Tarantella - Fabio and the Serenaders (2:34)
AD13 - Donna Molto Bella - Craig Stull (2:22)
P3 - Lend Me Your Ears (1:40)
P12 - 4 K n'D (1:39)
P10 - Fizzy Frizzi (1:06)
P7 - The Ukulele Lady (2:16)
P14 - She Should Have Checked His Credit Blues (2:20)
P5 - Four Hearts in 3/4 (3:31) [Rename to "In the Fountain"]
A7 - I Am Changing - Mafia Bianca LLC (2:42)
A10 - Hold Onto Your Heart - Tina Parol (3:57)
P2 - Angelico Angelica (3:01) [Rename to "Running from Antonio"]
A9 - Honey, Let Me Sing You A Song (Demo) - Matt Hires (3:57)
P6 - A Failed Houdini (2:26)
KOS312T11 - La Vita Conte - Stephane Huguenin and Christian Padovan (1:52)
P11 - A Sausage Serenade (2:40)*
P13 - Tortoni Testosterone (1:23) [Rename to "Breath Spray"]*
K8 - If You Can Afford Me - Katy Perry (3:18)
J - Floating Down A River - Jason Damato (3:46)
P4 - Back Seat Fettucini (1:43) [Rename to "Dark Dining"]
P17 - Forever Whenever in Rome (3:13) [Rename to "Museum Magic"]
P8 - Lipton Love (1:53)
M9 - Make You Feel Love - Adele (3:32)
A6 - How Far We've Come - Matchbox Twenty (3:30)
A2 - Stupid Love Letter - The Friday Night Boys (2:55)
P15 - The Mermaid With Flaxen Hair (6:04)
AD14 - Ave Maria (4:39)
P16 - Tell it to the Fountain (3:03)
A12 - Pencil Full Of Lead - Paolo Nutini (2:25)#
A3 - Heart Bling - Sofi Bonde (3:35)
A5 - Something Beautiful - Needtobreathe (3:40)

Unused Tracks:
A11 - Fox on the Run - The Academy Is... (3:16)
P1 - When in Rome (1:53)

# = Also heard after P9.
* = Partially unused

A = Soundtrack
AD = Deluxe Soundtrack (Digital)
C = Cherry Pie
J = Floating Down A River
K = One of the Boys
KOS = Italian Twist (Kosinus Music Library)
M = 19
MX = Megatrax Music Library
P = Composer's Promo

Suggest placing P1 at the beginning or end for an intro or end credits track.

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