S1 - The NeverEnding Story - Limahl (3:35)
S8 - Atreju's Quest (2:49)
S7 - Fantasia (:54)
S2 - Swamps of Sadness (1:56)
S5 - Sleepy Dragon (3:58)@
G12/S11B - Three Three Magic Gates (2:38)
G11/S11A - The Southern Oracle (3:22)
S10 - Atreju Meets Falkor (2:31)
S4 - Ruined Landscape (3:02)
G13/S12 - Spook City (1:39)
S9 - Theme of Sadness (2:42)
S3 - Ivory Tower (3:10)@
S14 - The Auryn (:00-1:27.5)
S13 - Moonchild (1:22)
S14 - The Auryn (1:27.5-End) [Rename to "Bastian and The Childlike Empress"]
S6 - Bastian's Happy Flight (3:16)
S1 - The NeverEnding Story - Limahl (3:35)
Bonus Track:
S15 - Happy Flight (1:22) [Unused End Credits]
The Neverending Story (German Version)
G2 - Die unendliche Geschichte (Titelmusik) (2:47) [Rename to "The Neverending Story (Main Title)"]
G3 - Im Haulewald (3:05) [Rename to "In the Howling Forest"]@
G4 - Der Elfenbeinturm (1:57) [Rename to "The Ivory Tower"]
G5 - Atréju's Berufung - Auryn Thema (2:50) [Rename to "Atréju's Calling / Auryn Theme"]
G6 - Phantásien (:55) [Rename to "Fantasia"]
G7 - Artax's Tod (3:15) [Rename to "Artax's Death"]
G10 - Die uralte Morla (2:30) [Rename to "The Ancient Morla"]@
G12 - Die drei magischen Tore (2:38) [Rename to "The Three Magic Gates"]
G11 - Das sьdliche Orakel (3:22) [Rename to "The Southern Oracle"]
G9 - Atréju's Flug (2:31) [Rename to "Atréju's Flight"]
G13 - Spukstadt (1:39) [Rename to "Spook City"]
G8 - Die Sьmpfe der Traurigkeit (2:42) [Rename to "The Swamp of Sadness"]
G14 - Flug zum Elfenbeinturm (3:06) [Rename to "Flight to the Ivory Tower"]
G16 - Die Kindliche Kaiserin (:00-1:27.7) [Rename to "The Childlike Empress"]
G15 - Mondenkind (1:23) [Rename to "Moonchild"]
G16 - Die Kindliche Kaiserin (1:27.7-End) [Rename to "Bastian and The Childlike Empress"]
G1 - Flug auf dem Glücksdrachen (3:15) [Rename to "Flight on the Luck Dragon"]
G17 - Flug auf dem Glücksdrachen (Schlusstitel) (1:21) [Rename to "Flight on the Luck Dragon (End Title)"]
@ = Unused
G = German Release
S = US Release
![]() | ![]() |
G2 - Die unendliche Geschichte (Titelmusik) (2:47) [Rename to "The NeverEnding Story (Main Title)"]
G3 - Im Haulewald (3:05) [Rename to "In the Howling Forest"]@
G4 - Der Elfenbeinturm (1:57) [Rename to "The Ivory Tower"]
G5/S8 - Atréju's Berufung / Auryn Thema (2:50) [Rename to "Atréju's Calling / Auryn Theme"]$
G6/S7 - Phantásien (:55) [Rename to "Fantasia"]
G7 - Artax's Tod (3:15) [Rename to "Artax's Death"]
G10 - Die uralte Morla (2:30) [Rename to "The Ancient Morla"]@
S2 - Swamps of Sadness (1:56)
S5 - Sleepy Dragon (3:58)@
G12/S11B - Die drei magischen Tore (2:38) [Rename to "The Three Magic Gates"]
G11/S11A - Das sьdliche Orakel (3:22) [Rename to "The Southern Oracle"]
G9/S10 - Atréju's Flug (2:31) [Rename to "Atréju's Flight"]
S4 - Ruined Landscape (3:02)
G13/S12 - Spukstadt (1:39) [Rename to "Spook City"]
G14 - Flug zum Elfenbeinturm (3:06) [Rename to "Flight to the Ivory Tower"]
G16/S14 - Die Kindliche Kaiserin (2:18) [Rename to "The Childlike Empress"]
G15/S13 - Mondenkind (1:23) [Rename to "Moonchild"]
G17/S15 - Flug auf dem Glücksdrachen (Schlusstitel) (1:21) [Rename to "Flight on the Luck Dragon (End Title)"]
S1 - The NeverEnding Story - Limahl (3:35)
$ = Auryn Theme replaced with section of G17
Note: This version combines the two releases, keeping the original main title and leaving the English version of the song at the end. G11 and G13 are longer than their score version counterparts. The collector's edition release has additional tracks, none of which are heard in the film.
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