Red Dwarf: Season 9 (Back to Earth) (2009)

Red Dwarf: Series IX - Back to Earth (Director's Cut)
S3OG - Opening Theme (:34) [Rename to "Opening Theme (Guitar)"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Hanging Rimmer's Picture"]
DC21T3 - Happily Never After - Cody Westheimer (2:46) [Rename to "Kochanski's Grave"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Don't Wear Nothing Lilac"]
BR5 - Getting to Know You / I Whistle A Happy Tune (3:11) [Can rename to "Testicle Attack"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Katerina Appears"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "I Really Like Her"]
WOM88T5 - Grimelab - Tord Jungsten (2:43) [Rename to "Katerina Researches"]
ANW1165T1 - Cold City - David O'Brien (3:17) [Rename to "Setting Up the Portal"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Kremlin Kate"]
ES2T5 - Quest - Tobias Marberger and Gabriel Shadid (2:15) [Rename to "They Walk Among Us"]
OLM - Bladerunner - Vangelis Soundalike - Andy LeMont (3:28) [Rename to "Nose World"]
U12 - Tropical State Remix - Response Collective (5:28) [Rename to "Driving Carbug"]
DC21T14 - Dreadmill - Cody Westheimer (1:44) [Rename to "Finding the Creator"]
ES1T15 - More Than A Man - Tobias Marberger and Gabriel Shadid (2:57) [Rename to "The Creator's Room"]
ES1T16 - End of the World A - Tobias Marberger and Gabriel Shadid (1:26) [Rename to "You Run"]
ANW1190T5 - Dark Angel - Oliver Ledbury (1:08) [Rename to "Kryten's Confession"]
DC21T3 - Happily Never After - Cody Westheimer (2:46) [Rename to "Kochanski Comes Back"]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:00-:07.7) [Combine]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:08.9-End) [Combine and rename to "Lister Wakes Up"]
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]

Bonus Track:
W - Lister's Coming Home (:38)

W = Intro music heard on (Website Defunct)

DVD Cues:
S1 = Season 1 DVD
S3 = Season 3 DVD

Source Cues:
BR = Broadway in Rhythm
U = The Documentary (No Longer Available)

Library Music:
ANW1165 = Audio Network 1165 - Urban, Underground
ANW1190 = Audio Network 1190 - Magic, Mystery
DC21 = Director's Cuts (DCD) 021 - Horror: Disturbingly Haunted Fright-Flick Flinchcore Scores
ES1 = Epic Score 001 - Action and Adventure, Volume 1
ES2 = Epic Score 002 - Action and Adventure, Volume 2
OLM = One Light Music - Track ID: 57155 (Website Defunct)
WOM88 = West One Music 088 - Forensic Beats

Note: The cues noted above are for the director's cut of the episode. Some pieces are tracked (ie: repeated), but this is how the music is presented in each episode with all available cues. Some information originally posted on

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