History of the World: Part I (1981)

History of the World: Part I
IS1 - 20th Century Fox Fanfare (:22)
IS2 - Also Sprach Zarathustra (1:10)
IS3 - Main Title (:34)
IS4 - Hallelujah Chorus (:15)
IS5 - The Roman Empire (2:21)
IS6 - Josephus' Dance (:09)
IS7 - The Empress (:32)
IS8 - Harch (:10)
IS9 - Caesar's Palace (:28)
IS10 - Marcus Vindictus (:10)
IS11 - Marcus' Entrance (:17)
IS12 - Curtain Number 2 (:10)
IS13 - Hooray for Hollywood (:15)
IS14 - Dressed for Battle (:07)
IS15 - Leaving the Palace / Vestal Virgins (1:44)
IS16 - Selecting the Escorts (:34)
IS17 - Confront Guys (:10)
IS18 - Eunuch Test (:23)
IS19 - Highly Erotic Temple Dance: Part 1 (1:00)
IS20 - Highly Erotic Temple Dance: Part 2 (:26)
IS21 - The Jig is Up (:35)
IS22 - Guards Searching (:15)
SA5 - Funkytown - Lipps, Inc. (4:00)
IS23 - Guards Approach (:25)
IS24 - Don't Panic...Panic!!! (1:19)
IS25 - Running to Miracle (:30)
IS26 - Chariot Race (1:44)
IS27 - Mighty Joint (1:20)
IS28 - Parting the River (:36)
IS29 - Shortcut (:26)
IS30 - Lindus (Lindy Hop) (:23)
IS31 - On the Road to Judea (:23)
IS32 - The Last Supper (:35)
IS33 - Torquemada Gongs (:35)
IS34 - The Inquisition: Part I - Mel Brooks (3:30)
IS35 - The Inquisition: Part II - Mel Brooks (2:53)
IS36 - The French Revolution (:26)
IS37 - High Note (:12)
IS38 - It's Great to Be the King (3:28)
IS39 - Guillotine (:49)
IS40 - Execution Rescue (1:32)
IS41 - Hitler On Ice (:19)
IS42 - A Viking Funeral (:27)
IS43 - Jews in Space: Part I (:30)
IS44 - Jews in Space: Part II / Credits (3:51)

History of the World: Part I (LP Release)
A1 - History of the World Theme (1:14)
A2 - Moses (1:06)
A3 - The Roman Empire (10:58)
A4 - The Inquisition (5:56)
A5 - The French Revolution (11:51)
A6 - Coming Attractions: Hitler on Ice / A Viking Funeral / Jews in Space (2:10)
A7 - History of the World Medley (2:20)

A = LP Release (1981)
IS = The Mel Brooks Collection (Isolated Score)
SA = Shrek 2 Soundtrack

Note: The LP Release has selections from the isolated score, and some album versions of tracks (A1, A7), but most have talking or sound effects. It makes a good storybook bonus album.

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