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Episode 01 - Kryten:
S2O - Opening Theme (:59)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
AN - Androids (:51)
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Learning Esperanto"]
S2B5 - Background 05 (1:00) [Rename to "On the Pull"]
S2C6 - Character 06 (:13) [Rename to "Back to Red Dwarf"]
S2C1 - Character 01 (:35) [Rename to "Kryten's Laundry List"]
S2S2 - Space 02 (:26) [Rename to "Painting Rimmer's Portrait"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 02 - Better Than Life:
S2O - Opening Theme (:59)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Postal Chess"]
S2C7 - Character 07 (:28) [Rename to "Observation Deck"]
S2S2 - Space 02 (:26) [Rename to "Rimmer's Dad Died"]
S2B1 - Background 01 (:07) [Rename to "Channel 27"]
S1D2 - Dramatic 02 (Season 1) (:37) [Rename to "Better Than Life"]
K33T4 - The Queen's Guard - Edrich Siebert (2:53)
S2B6 - Background 06 (4:15) [Rename to "Your Caviar Vindaloo"]
S2C4 - Character 04 (:09) [Rename to "Playing Golf"]
S2C5 - Character 05 (:08) [Rename to "The Next Hole"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 03 - Thanks For the Memory:
S2O - Opening Theme (:59)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
U - Rocking Out
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "Puzzle"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Finding the Black Box"]
S2A6 - Additional 06 (:13) [Rename to "Down There On That Moon"]
S2B3 - Background 03 (:14) [Rename to "Tap Dancing Rimmer"]
S2C2 - Character 02 (:18) [Rename to "Dreaming of Lise Yates"]
S2B2 - Background 02 (:16) [Rename to "Remembering Lise"]
S2C7 - Character 07 (:28) [Rename to "Hiding from Lister"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Leaving the Black Box"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 04 - Stasis Leak:
S2O - Opening Theme (:59)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Flashback"]
S2B4 - Background 04 (1:55) [Rename to "Xpress Lifts"]
S2S2 - Space 02 (:26) [Rename to "Stasis Leak"]
S2S3 - Space 03 (:30) [Rename to "I Could Bring Me Back"]
S2A10 - Additional 10 (2:06) [Rename to "Ganymede Holiday Inn"]
S2C6 - Character 06 (:13) [Rename to "Two Pairs of Shoes"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "Have I Always Been Such A Smeg Head?"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 05 - Queeg:
S2O - Opening Theme (:59)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Insulting Holly"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Queeg 5000"]
S2S2 - Space 02 (:26) [Rename to "Shoes Have Soles"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Inflatable Ingrid"]
S2HN - High Noon (:30)
S2C3 - Character 03 (:39) [Rename to "Chess Game"]
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "The Loser Gets Erased"]
S2C8 - Character 08 (1:31) [Rename to "Holly Gets Erased"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 06 - Parallel Universe:
S2TT - Tongue Tied - Danny John-Jules (3:24)
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Rock and Roll"]
S1S2 - Space 02 (Season 1) (:10) [Rename to "Holly's In There"]
U - Tongue Tied Instrumental
S2S3 - Space 03 (:30) [Rename to "Engaging Holly Hop Drive"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Unused Tracks:
S2S4 - Space 04 (:35)
S2A1 - Additional 01 (:14)
S2A2 - Additional 02 (:30)
S2A3 - Additional 03 (:17)
S2A4 - Additional 04 (:15)
S2A5 - Additional 05 (:18)
S2A7 - Additional 07 (:16)
S2A8 - Additional 08 (:27)
S2A9 - Additional 09 (1:09)
Bonus Tracks:
LIS2 - Red Dwarf Antique Extras (1:03.8-3:42) [Rename to "On the Pull (Alternate)"]
TC1 - Tongue Tied - Danny John-Jules (4:04)
TC2 - Tongue Tied (Kateoke Mix) Danny John-Jules (4:25)
TC3 - Tongue Tied (Tabby Ranks Mix) Danny John-Jules (6:15)
TC4 - Tongue Tied (Meeow Mix) Danny John-Jules (5:02)
TC5 - Tongue Tied (Paws Mix) Danny John-Jules (5:17)
TC6 - Tongue Tied (Pussy Mix) Danny John-Jules (5:30)
TC7 - Tongue Tied (Instrumental) Danny John-Jules (4:23)
TL1 - Tongue Tied Edit - Danny John-Jules (3:50)
TL2 - Red Dwarf Theme - Danny John-Jules (2:19)
BD - Tongue Tied Demo (3:40)
BD - Son of Cliché - Tongue Tied - Peter Brewis and Nick Wilton (1:50)
PF2 - Tongue-Tied Piano Fantasy (4:10)
Note: Most of the cues noted above are taken directly from the Season 2 DVD, Disc 2. Many pieces are tracked (ie: repeated), but this is how the music is presented in each episode with all available cues.
DVD Cues:
S2A = Additional (1-10)
AN = Androids (Deleted Scenes on Disc 2)
S2B = Background (1-6)
BD = Bodysnatcher Collection
S2C = Character (1-8)
S2HN = High Noon
S2M = Main Theme (End Credits)
S2O = Opening Theme (Main Title)
S2S = Space (1-4)
S1 = Season 1 DVD
T = Tongue Tied (Deleted Scenes on Disc 2)
U = Unreleased
Library Music:
K33 = KPM LP 33 - KPM 180A-185B
Commercial Release:
LIS - Let It Smeg Red Dwarf X the Underscore - EP
PF = Red Dwarf Piano Fantasies
TC = Tongue Tied CD
TL = Tongue Tied 7" LP
Some information originally taken from http://www.reddwarf.co.uk/.
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Episode 01 - Kryten:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
CA119T7 - Lost in Space - Paul Shaw and David Rogers (3:14) [Rename to "Nova 5"]
AN - Androids (:51)
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "Learning Esperanto A"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Learning Esperanto B"]
S2B5 - Background 05 (1:00) [Rename to "On the Pull"]
CH80T28 - Under the Microscope - Nigel Beaham Powell (1:15) [Rename to "They're Here"]
S1S2 - Space 02 (Season 1) (:10) [Rename to "Back to Red Dwarf"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Just Human"]
S2C1 - Character 01 (:35) [Rename to "Kryten's Laundry List"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "Painting Rimmer's Portrait"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 02 - Better Than Life:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
S1S2 - Space 02 (Season 1) (:10) [Rename to "Mail Pod"]
CA198T26 - Mystery Sparkle - Terry Day (:18) [Rename to "John Wayne Fan Club"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "Postal Chess"]
CH198T9 - Pastoral Scene - Chris Elliott (2:12) [Rename to "Observation Deck"]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:00-:07.7) [Combine]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:08.9-End) [Combine and rename to "Rimmer's Dad Died"]
CA185T36 - Detective (:31) [Rename to "Channel 27"]
K218T19 - Scenic Journeys - Christopher Palmer (2:51) [Rename to "Better Than Life"]
K33T4 - The Queen's Guard - Edrich Siebert (2:53)
S2B6 - Background 06 (4:15) [Rename to "Your Next Caviar Vindaloo"]
S2C4 - Character 04 (:09) [Rename to "Playing Golf"]
CA119T15 - Space Drone C - Paul Shaw and David Rogers (1:39) [Rename to "Smeared with Jam"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 03 - Thanks For the Memory:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
U - Rocking Out
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "Puzzle"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Finding the Black Box"]
CH80T28 - Under the Microscope - Nigel Beaham Powell (1:15) [Rename to "Under the Microscope"]
BR57T11 - Touch, Feel - Patrick Wilson and Chris Stonor (4:02) [Rename to "Dreaming of Lise Yates"]
BR39T15 - Boogie Gone Woogie - Steve Byrd Band (3:17) [Rename to "Remembering Lise Yates"]
CH198T9 - Pastoral Scene - Chris Elliott (2:12) [Rename to "Hiding from Lister"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 04 - Stasis Leak:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Fashback"]
S1S2 - Space 02 (Season 1) (:10) [Rename to "Infallible"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Stasis Leak"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "I Could Bring Me Back"]
CA198T10 - Heather - Chris Elliott (3:11) [Rename to "Two Pairs of Shoes"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "Have I Always Been Such A Smeg Head?"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 05 - Queeg:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S2S1 - Space 01 (:48) [Rename to "SOS Distress Call"]
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "Insulting Holly"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "Queeg 5000"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Shoes Have Soles"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Rimmer Faints"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "A Pea on Toast"]
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "Inflatable Ingrid"]
S2HN - High Noon (:30)
K264T11 - The Killing Machine - Bill Connor (2:04) [Rename to "Chess Game"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "The Loser Gets Erased"]
C198T2 - Ocean Waves - Chris Elliott (2:27) [Rename to "Holly Says Goodbye"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 06 - Parallel Universe:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S2TT - Tongue Tied - Danny John-Jules (3:24)
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "Rock and Roll"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "I'm in There"]
MHE32T15 - Nevada - Stephen and Darren Loveday (2:33) [Rename to "Dancing Listers"]
BR44T8 - So Close to You 2 - Phil Nicholas (2:59) [Rename to "The Rimmers"]
CA210T4 - Funk Action - Chris Goulstone (2:55) [Rename to "Cat Dance"]
S2M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:51) [Rename to “End Credits”]
DVD Cues:
RO = Remastered Main Title (Bodysnatcher DVD)
S1S = Season 1 DVD
Library Music:
BR38 = Bruton (BRH) 39 - Rock 'N' Roll 50s and 60s
BR44 = Bruton (BRH) 44 - Dance Pop
BR57 = Bruton (BRH) 57 - Modern Love
CA119 = Carlin 119 - Space
CA198 = Carlin 198 - TV / Radio / Shorts / Stings
CA185 = Carlin 185 - Industry / Sport / Pop I.
CA210 = Carlin 210 - Rock Guitar Styles 2
CH80 = Chappell AV080 - Space Atmospheres
CH198 = Chappell 198 - Ambient Orchestral
K33 = KPM LP 33 - KPM 180A-185B
K218 = KPM 218 - Orchestral Dynamics: Volume 2
K264 = KPM264 - Dangerous Games
MHE32 = Music House Entertainment 32 - Live to Ride
Some information originally posted at http://www.reddwarf.co.uk/.
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