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Episode 01 - Backwards:
S3HI - Heroic Intro (:45)
S3OG - Opening Theme (:34) [Rename to "Opening Theme (Guitar)"]
S3RG - Rock Guitar Instrumental (1:54)
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 02 - Marooned:
S3OG - Opening Theme (:34) [Rename to "Opening Theme (Guitar)"]
S3D1 - Dramatic 01 (:15) [Rename to "Crashed on a Frozen Moon"]
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 03 - Polymorph:
S3D2 - Dramatic 02 (:20) [Rename to "You Have Been Warned"]
S3OG - Opening Theme (:34) [Rename to "Opening Theme (Guitar)"]
S3D1 - Dramatic 01 (:15) [Rename to "Alphabetti Spaghetti"]
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 04 - Bodyswap:
S3OG - Opening Theme (:34) [Rename to "Opening Theme (Guitar)"]
S3D3 - Dramatic 03 (:15) [Rename to "Head in a Mashed Potato"]
S3D1 - Dramatic 01 (:15) [Rename to "Take that Girdle Off"]
S3RG - Rock Guitar Instrumental (1:54)
CH118T47 - Light Cavalry Overture - Franz von Suppé (:38)
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 05 - Timeslides:
S3OG - Opening Theme (:34) [Rename to "Opening Theme (Guitar)"]
U - Bad News - Craig Charles and the Sons of Gordon Gecko
S3D4 - Dramatic 04 (:12) [Rename to "Choosing the Slide"]
PML1025T1 - In Town Tonight - A.J. Leroux (1:48) [Rename to "Lifestyles of the Disgustingly Rich and Famous"]
S3C - Cash - Craig Charles (3:05)
JW2008T1 - The Four Seasons: Opus 8 - Spring (Allegro) (3:35)
S4R3 - Romantic 03 (Season 4) (:21) [Rename to "Nothing Works for Me"]
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 06 - The Last Day:
S3OG - Opening Theme (:34) [Rename to "Opening Theme (Guitar)"]
S3D5 - Dramatic 05 (:18) [Rename to "Waffles Under the Hat"]
S3PT - Party Time (2:10)
KP1165B6 - Blues and the Abstract Tooth - Steve Gray (4:16)
U - Morning (From 'Peer Gynt')"]
S3D6 - Dramatic 06 (:15) [Rename to "Meet Him on the Landing Gantry"]
S3HT - Hudzen's Theme (1:16)
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Bonus Tracks:
RD6 - Heroic Intro (Piano) (:33)
Note: Most of the cues noted above are taken directly from the Season 3 DVD, Disc 2. Many pieces are tracked (ie: repeated), but this is how the music is presented in each episode with all available cues.
DVD Cues:
S3C = Cash
S3D = Dramatic (1-6)
S3HI = Heroic Intro
S3HT = Hudzen's Theme
S3M = Main Theme (End Credits)
S3OG = Opening Theme [Guitar] (Main Title)
S3PT = Party Time
RD6 = Red Dwarf: Season VI (Howard Goodall: Settling the Score [Bonus Feature])
S3RG = Rock Guitar Instrumental
S1 = Season 1 DVD
S4 = Season 4 DVD
U = Unreleased
Library Music:
CH118 = Chappell 118 CD - Classical Jingles
JW2008 = Josef Weinberger Ltd 2008 - Vivaldi
PML1025 = Flair
Some information originally taken from http://www.reddwarf.co.uk/.
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Episode 01 - Backwards:
S3HI - Heroic Intro (:45)
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:00-:07.7) [Combine]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:08.9-End) [Combine and rename to "Search Party"]
S3RG - Rock Guitar Instrumental (1:54)
BRF10T9 - Pearly King (:57) [Rename to "Sensational Reverse Brothers"]
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 02 - Marooned:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
CH80T16 - Cold Dead Planet - Nigel Bates (1:37) [Rename to "Crashed on a Frozen Moon"]
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 03 - Polymorph:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
CH80T24 - Cosmic Dawn - Nigel Bates (2:22) [Rename to "Warning Beacon"]
CA119T16 - Space Drone D - Paul Shaw and David Rogers (1:35) [Rename to "Searching the Corridors"]
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "Alphabetti Spaghetti"]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:00-:07.7) [Combine]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:08.9-End) [Combine and rename to "Move It Suckers!"]
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 04 - Bodyswap:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "You're Getting My Underwear Bill"]
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Bodyswap"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "Head in a Mashed Potato"]
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "Take that Girdle Off"]
S1S5 - Space 05 (Season 1) (:17) [Rename to "Science Lab"]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:00-:07.7) [Combine]
S1S3 - Space 03-Edit (Season 1) (:08.9-End) [Combine and rename to"Give Him Another Whack"]
CH118T47 - Light Cavalry Overture - Franz von Suppé (:38)
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 05 - Timeslides:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Soap Sud Slalom"]
U - Bad News - Craig Charles and the Sons of Gordon Gecko
S1S4 - Space 04 (Season 1) (:15) [Rename to "Choosing the Slide"]
S1S3 - Space 03 (Season 1) (:13) [Rename to "Find Him"]
KPM80T6 - Broadcast News - Curtis Schwartz (1:12) [Rename to "Lifestyles of the Disgustingly Rich and Famous"]
CA205T26 - Dub Instrumental - Steve Jeffries (3:07) [Rename to "Lister's Posh Life"]
JW2008T1 - The Four Seasons: Opus 8 - Spring (Allegro) (3:35)
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits"]
Episode 06 - The Last Day:
RO - Opening Theme (Remastered Opening) (1:05)
S3D5 - Dramatic 05 (:18) [Rename to "Waffles Under the Hat"]
S3D5 - Dramatic 05 (:18) [Rename to "No Such Thing As Human Heaven"]
S1S1 - Space 01 (Season 1) (:21) [Rename to "Planning the Party"]
BRH72T17 - Spider 2 (2:56) [Rename to "Let's Go"]
KPM1083T10 - Small Talk - Marian McPartland (4:18) [Rename to "Drunken Dwarfers"]
U - Morning (From 'Peer Gynt')"]
CH80T13 - Cyclonic Storms - Ian Anderson (1:05) [Rename to "Hudzen's Theme"]
S3M - Main Theme - Jenna Russell (:52) [Rename to "End Credits”]
DVD Cues:
RO = Remastered Main Title (Bodysnatcher DVD)
Library Music:
BRF10 = Bruton (BRF) 10 - Loony Tunes
BRH72 = Bruton (BRH) 72 - Alternative 90s
CA119 = Carlin 119 - Space
CA206 = Carlin 205 - Dance and Pop 3
CH80 = Chappell AV080 - Space Atmospheres
CH118 = Chappell 118 CD - Classical Jingles
JW2008 = Josef Weinberger Ltd 2008 - Vivaldi
KPM80 = Media Shock
KPM1083 = Piano Cocktail
Some information originally posted at http://www.reddwarf.co.uk/.
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