Onward (2020)

S2 - Quests of Yore (:52)
S3 - The World Was Full of Wonder (1:37)
S4 - A Little Magic (:43)
S5 - Bad Dragon (1:03)
S6 - New Ian (2:36)
S7 - My Mighty Steed (:22)
S8 - My Birthday Is Cancelled (:42)
S9 - Wish I Could Spend the Day with You (1:46)
S10 - The Visitation Spell (3:35)
S11 - The Spell (1:06)
S12 - The Spell Only Lasts One Day (:56)
S13 - Find Another Phoenix Gem (:49)
S14 - Going on a Quest (:24)
S15 - Laurel in Pursuit (:44)
S16 - The Manticore's Tavern (:43)
S17 - Tavern Remodeling (1:12)
S18 - The Map to Raven's Point (1:45)
S19 - Two Teenage Elves (:38)
S20 - Magnora Gantuan! (:32)
S21 - Baby Legs (:41)
S22 - Pixie Dusters (1:18)
S23 - The Guardian Curse (:42)
S24 - Driving Test (3:17)
S25 - Dance Fight (2:22)
S26 - Path of Peril (:41)
M1 - Let's Get It On - Marvin Gaye (4:51)
S27 - Pawn Shop (:28)
S28 - Tracking Guinevere (1:04)
S29 - Bottomless Pit (:56)
S30 - The Trust Bridge (1:20)
S31 - Follow Your Gut (:52)
S32 - Running from the Cops (1:59)
S33 - Sacrifice (:59)
S34 - Just a Beat Up Old Van (1:36)
S35 - The Cave (:54)
S36 - Accelior! (:26)
S37 - Boom Bastia! (:47)
S38 - Barley's Last Memory of Dad (:58)
S39 - Led Us to Our Victory! (1:49)
S40 - The Truth Comes Out (:39)
S41 - Share My Life with Him (3:24)
S42 - Battling the Dragon (3:03)
S43 - Voltar Thunderseer! (:59)
S44 - Dad (2:52)
S45 - Magic Returns (2:48)
S1 - Carried Me with You - Brandi Carlile (3:33)

M = Let's Get It On
S = Score

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