Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts

Inside Out 2 (2024)

Inside Out 2
S1 - Outside Intro (:55)
S2 - Go Team! (2:27)
S3 - The Life of Riley (2:32)
S4 - Thread the Needle (1:06)
S5 - Riley Protection System (2:46)
S6 - Creating a Sense of Self (1:30)
S7 - Demo Day (1:57)
S8 - Ride and Prejudice (2:18)
S9 - Anxious to Meet You (2:21)
S10 - Seeking Val-idation (1:44)
LL2 - Growing Up - The Linda Lindas (3:06)
S11 - Sending Out an S.o.S. (2:45)
S12 - Bloofy & Co. (2:59)
S13 - Flight for Fighting (2:49)
S14 - Fawn of a New Day (:56)
S15 - Return to Imagination Land (1:08)
S16 - To Project and Disserve (3:19)
S17 - What's the Big Idea? (2:31)
S18 - Red Hairing (1:18)
S19 - Recovering a Sense of Self (2:55)
S20 - Joyless (1:53)
S21 - The Puck Drops Here (2:58)
S22 - A Mind at Freeze (2:44)
S23 - Growing Up Is Hard to Do (4:19)
S24 - Glide and Joy (2:00)
S25 - Every Messy, Beautiful Part of Her (2:44)
S26 - Inside Outro (2:21)
S27 - Done Track Mind (8:15)

L = Growing Up
S = Score

Lightyear (2022)

S1 - Mission Log (2:23)
S2 - Initial Greetings (3:26)
S3 - Lightyear (2:45)
S4 - The Best Laid Flight Plans of Space and Men (1:15)
S5 - Blown On Course (1:37)
S6 - A Hyper Failure (:55)
S7 - Lightyear's Behind (1:45)
S8 - Mission Perpetual (2:41)
S9 - The Lone Space Ranger (2:24)
S10 - Afternoon Delight Speed (4:43)
S11 - Light Speed at the End of the Tunnel (:34)*
S12 - Relative Success (:41)
S13 - Zurg Awakens (1:53)
S14 - Operation Surprise Party (:44)
S15 - A Good Day to Not Die (2:38)
S16 - Zurg's Displeasure (:30)
S17 - Space Afraiders (3:57)
S18 - Zurg-onomics (2:00)
S19 - Oh, Hover (2:57)
S20 - Mistake It All In (1:33)
S21 - Buzz, Meet Zurg (1:33)
S22 - To Infinity and Be Gone (4:13)
S23 - Hawthorne in Her Side (:59)
S24 - World's Worst Self-Destruct Sequence (1:39)
S25 - Time to Space Your Fears (4:01)
S26 - Hiding from Yourself (1:20)
S27 - Improv-Izzy-tion (:50)
S28 - Back to Buzzness (3:10)
S29 - Home on the Space Range (2:59)
S30 - Infinite MOEtion (2:06)
S31 - One Suite Buzz (12:19)

* = Unused

S = Score

Haunted Mansion (2023)

Haunted Mansion
S2 - The Mansion (:00-:32.19) [Rename to "Welcome Foolish Mortals"]
PS2 - Witchoo - Durand Jones & The Indications (2:42)
S1 - His Soul Left Gloss on the Rose - The Soul Rebels (2:40)
S2 - The Mansion (:32.19-End)
S3 - Photo Tour (2:24)
S4 - Ben's 1st Ghost Photo (2:05)
DE8 - Diga Diga Doo - Duke Ellington & His Orchestra Featuring the Mills Brothers (3:07)
S5 - Don't Leave After Midnight (1:46)
U - Superstition - Neka Hamilton
S6 - The Séance Room (1:37)
S7 - Ghost Wink (3:01)
S8 - Finding Leota (3:18)
S9 - William Gracey (2:24)
S10 - Grim Grinning Ghosts (Breakfast) (1:20)
S11 - I'll Talk to Him (2:52)
S12 - Reverse Séance (2:41)
S13 - The Ghost Realm (3:22)
S14 - She Was the Best (2:12)
SJ3 - When Your Body Says Goodbye Song - Marcus Milius (2:29)
S15 - Alistair Crump (1:35)
S16 - No Windows and No Doors (3:58)
S17 - Crump's Hat (2:03)
S18 - It's Happy Hour Somewhere (5:50)
S19 - Ghost Chase (3:37)
S20 - Bruce to the Rescue (5:14)
RB7 - Do Whatcha Wanna - Rebirth Brass Band (3:12)
S21 - Grim Grinning Ghosts (Dance Party) (1:32)
TB10 - Saints / Mama Don't Allow - The Tremé Brass Band (6:43)

DE = The Original Recordings That Inspired the Broadway Hit "After Midnight"
PS = Private Space
RB = Rebirth Big Brass Band: 25th Anniversary
S = Score
SJ = Speakeasy Jazz
TB = I Got A Big Fat Woman
U = Unreleased

Note: The End Credits consist of unreleased music, when Alastar forces Harriet out of the mansion. The rest contains S15, S3, S10 and S7.

Emperor's New Groove (The) (2000)

The Emperor's New Groove
P1 - Main Title (:31)
A1 - Perfect World - Tom Jones (2:21)
A9 - Beware the Groove (8:15)
P3/A11 - Pacha's Homecoming (3:41)
P2/A10 - Jungle Chase (3:15)
A11 - The Blue Plate Special (3:40-End)
A12 - Friends Forever (4:32-End)*
A8 - A New Hope (1:46)
P4 - Yzma Strikes Back (3:18)
P5 - Run Llama Run (1:15)
P6/A12 - The Great Battle (5:14)
A5 - Perfect World (Reprise) - Tom Jones (2:34)
A2 - My Funny Friend And Me - Sting (4:38)
A6 - Run Llama Run (2:25)*

Bonus Tracks:
A3 - Snuff Out The Light (Yzma's Song) - Eartha Kit (3:37)
A4 - Walk The Llama Llama - Rascal Flatts (2:02)
A7 - One Day She'll Love Me - Sting and Shawn Colvin (4:11)

* = Album Version

A = Soundtrack
P = For Your Consideration Promo

Notes: Before The Emperor's New Groove came to its final iteration, one previous version was called Kingdom of the Sun for which the bonus tracks were originally recorded. Tracks 4-6 of the promo have more music (or film versions) than what is on the commercial release. Information regarding the commercial release film order order provided by jjstarA113.

Little Mermaid (The) (2023 Live Action)

The Little Mermaid
D16 - Opening Title (1:00)
D17 - Eric's Ship (1:31)
D1/H1 - Triton's Kingdom (2:33)
D18 - Shipwreck Graveyard (1:53)
D19 - Shark Attack (1:33)
D20 - Dinglehopper (1:37)
D21 - Ursula's Reveal (1:30)
D22 - Ariel's Grotto (:45)
D2/H2 - Part of Your World - Halle Bailey (3:34)
D3/H3 - Fathoms Below - Jonah Hauer-King, John Dagleish, Christopher Fairbank and Ensemble (1:29)
D23 - Shipwreck (3:31)
D24 - The Rescue (1:07)
D4/H4 - Part of Your World (Reprise) - Halle Bailey (2:37)
D5/H5 - Under the Sea - Daveed Diggs and Cast (3:05)
D6/H6 - Wild Uncharted Waters - Jonah Hauer-King (3:00)
D25 - Triton's Fury (2:31)
D26 - Journey to Ursula (1:54)
D27 - Ursula's Lair (1:52)
D7/H7 - Poor Unfortunate Souls - Melissa McCarthy (4:42)
D8/H8 - For the First Time - Halle Bailey (4:08)
D28 - Eric's Library (1:24)
D29 - Carriage Ride (2:36)
D30 - Marketplace (1:42)
D9/H9 - Kiss the Girl - Daveed Diggs, Awkwafina, Jacob Tremblay and Ensemble (3:17)
D31 - Ursula's Potion (1:32)
H16 - Impossible Child (Outtake) - Javier Bardem (2:15)*
D11/H11 - Eric's Decision - Halle Bailey (2:22)
D10/H10 - The Scuttlebutt - Awkwafina and Daveed Diggs (2:02)
D12/H12 - Vanessa's Trick - Halle Bailey (1:04)
D13/H13 - Part of Your World (Reprise II) - Halle Bailey (1:33)
D32 - Ariel Regains Her Voice - Halle Bailey (1:39)
D33 - The Sun Sets (1:14)
D34 - Ursula Battle (4:28)
D35 - Metamorphosis (1:01)
D36 - The Kiss (:53)
D14/H14 - Kiss the Girl (Island Band Reprise) (2:17)
D37 - Ariel's Goodbye (1:23)
D15/H15 - Finale (2:26)

* = Unused

D = Deluxe Edition (Digital Release)
H = Home Shopping Network Exclusive

Notes: The only difference between the HSN version and the regular release is the addition of track H16, which is also available digitally.

Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild (The) (2022)

The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild
S1 - Prelude to a New Adventure (2:55)
S2 - Independent Possums (1:13)
S3 - Ellie Remembers (Part 2) (1:58)
S4 - Mission: Possums Out (1:34)
S5 - Destiny Awaits (2:04)
S6 - Dawn of the Possums (3:29)
S7 - Orson, the Brainiac (4:00)
S8 - Buck's Den (1:52)
S9 - Nighttime Stories (2:39)
S10 - Mime Games (2:17)
S11 - Meet Zee (1:57)
S12 - Surveying Raptors (2:02)
S13 - Orson's Army (2:16)
S14 - Journey to the Lost Lagoon (3:11)
S15 - Reuniting with an Old Friend (:00-1:08)
S22 - Dr. Buckminster (1:12)
S15 - Reuniting with an Old Friend (1:08-End)
S16 - Lagoon Fight (4:09)
S17 - Fall of the Union (1:26)
S18 - Finding Courage (1:41)
S19 - Training with Zee (1:26)
S20 - Battle of the Watering Hole (8:09)
S21 - Possums' Independence (5:44)

S = Score

Info provided by Fsfkkk65.

Jungle Book 2 (The) (2003)

The Jungle Book 2
A2 - Jungle Rhythm - Haley Joel Osment, Mae Whitman, Connor Funk (3:06)
A4 - The Bare Necessities - John Goodman, Haley Joel Osment (1:51)
A3 - W-I-L-D - John Goodman (2:33)
A1 - I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song) - Smash Mouth (3:16)
A6 - Right Where I Belong - Windy Wagner (2:37)

Unused Tracks:
A5 - I've Got You Beat - Johnnie Hall and Meagan Moore (3:08)
A8 - Braver - Windy Wagner (2:03)

A = Soundtrack

Note: Tracks 7, 9-12 are for other films or albums. As such they are not listed.

Info provided by Fsfkkk65

Piglet's Big Movie (2003)

Piglet's Big Movie
A1 - Winnie the Pooh - Carly Simon and Ben Taylor (2:53)
A2 - If I Wasn't So Small (The Piglet Song) - Carly Simon (1:58)
A9 - Scrapbook Pages (2:05)*
A3 - Mother's Intuition - Carly Simon (2:38)
A11 - Roo Joins the Quest (2:32)*
A4 - Sing Ho for the Life of a Bear (Exposition March) - Carly Simon, Jim Cummings, Ken Sansom, Kath Soucie, Nikita Hopkins, Peter Cullen, John Fiedler (1:37)
A10 - River Roo (2:57)@
A5 - The More it Snows (Tiddely-Pom) - Jim Cummings and John Fiedler (1:02)
A6 - With a Few Good Friends - Carly Simon, Ben Taylor and Sally Taylor (2:38)
A12 - Losing the Scrapbook (1:39)*
A7 - The More I Look Inside - Carly Simon (4:23)
RC - - Piglet and Pooh Fall (2:14)
A13 - Pooh and Piglet Corner (3:13)*
A8 - Comforting to Know - Carly Simon and Ben Taylor (4:38)

Bonus Tracks:
RC - River Roo (Alt Version) (3:13)
A14 - Winnie the Pooh (Carly's Demo) - Carly Simon (1:26)
A15 - If I Wasn't So Small (The Piglet Song) (Carly's Demo) - Carly Simon (2:23)
A16 - Mother's Intuition (Carly's Demo) - Carly Simon (2:42)
A17 - The More it Snows (Tiddely-Pom) (Carly's Demo) - Carly Simon (0:36)
A18 - The More I Look Inside (Carly's Demo) - Carly Simon (1:50)

A = Soundtrack
RC = Reelcrafter

* = Change speed to 95.904% to convert from PAL to NTSC.
@ = Change speed to 91.808% to convert to NTSC

Info provided by Fsfkkk65

Mulan II (2004)

Mulan II
A2 - Main Title (1:09)
A1 - Lesson Number One - Lea Salonga and Chorus (2:26)
A4 - Girl Worth Fighting For - Gedde Watanabe, Jerry Tondo, and Harvey Fierstein (1:31)
A7 - Journey Begins (2:59)
A3 - Like Other Girls - Judy Kuhn, Beth Blankenship, and Mandy Gonzalez (2:25)
A8 - In Love and in Trouble (4:37)
A9 - Attack (4:06)
A10 - Shang Lives! (4:28)
A6 - (I Wanna Be) Like Other Girls - Atomic Kitten (2:50)
A5 - Here Beside Me - Hayley Westenra (2:35)

Bonus Track:
A11 - Here Beside Me [Instrumental] (2:35)

A = Soundtrack

Info provided by Fsfkkk65

Ron's Gone Wrong (2021)

Ron's Gone Wrong (Most Complete Version)
P1 - Mark's Dream (:00-:01) [Combine]
S1 - The Future of Friendship (:00.24-:28.87) [Combine]
P1 - Mark's Dream (:29.67-End) [Combine and retain the name "Mark's Dream"]
S2 - Mark's Dream (1:19) [Rename to "The Future of Friendship"]
P2 - World of B Bots: Part 1 (:00-:02.43) [Combine]
S1 - New Friends (:31.34-1:14.5) [Combine]
P2 - World of B Bots: Part 1 (:45.5-0:51.33) [Combine]
S1 - New Friends (1:14.68-3:08.96) [Combine]
P3 - World of B Bots: Part 2 (:15.21-0:20.98) [Combine]
S1 - New Friends (3:08.96-3:21.45) [Combine]
P3 - World of B Bots: Part 2 (:33.27-End) [Combine]
P4 - World of B Bots: Part 3 (:00-:12.11) [Combine]
S1 - New Friends (3:22.37-End) [Combine and rename to "'World of B Bots / New Friends"]
P5 - My Middle School Life (:38)
P6 - No Ones Coming: Part 1 (:54)
P7 - No Ones Coming: Part 2 (:12)
CK5 - We Will Rock You - The Countdown Kids (2:03)
S6 - Welcome to the Bubble Store (:00-:54.44)
S3 - Happy Late Birthday (1:19)
S4 - Middle School Ain't So Bad (:00-0:02.87) [Combine]
P8 - Middle School Ain't So Bad (:02.87-:04.3) [Combine]
S4 - Middle School Ain't So Bad (:02.87-:23.5) [Combine]
P8 - Middle School Ain't So Bad (:24.86-:27.86) [Combine]
S4 - Middle School Ain't So Bad (:25.01-:56.93) [Combine]
P8 - Middle School Ain't So Bad (1:00.04-1:08.49) [Combine]
S4 - Middle School Ain't So Bad (:59.52-1:23.38) [Combine]
P8 - Middle School Ain't So Bad (1:19.59-End) [Combine and retain the name "Middle School Ain't So Bad"]
AN-BB3 - Path to Palestine - Christopher John Haigh and Andrew Fraser Tulloch (2:40)
S5 - Renegade Robot (3:02)
EM-OS3 - I'm the Mastermind - Grayson Voltaire, Kask Kardashian and Sven Henson (3:09)
S6 - Welcome to the Bubble Store (:54.44-End) [Rename to "At the Bubble Store"]
P9 - Profits in Jeopardy (:40)
P10 - Chicken Shack (:17)
P11 - The Friendship Board: Part 1 (:00-0:01.52) [Combine]
S8 - How to Be My Friend (:00.26-0:48.76) [Combine]
P11 - The Friendship Board: Part 1 (:49.97-1:00.42) [Combine]
S8 - How to Be My Friend (:49.98-1:24.8) [Combine]
P11 - The Friendship Board: Part 1 (1:40.6-1:34.71) [Combine]
S8 - How to Be My Friend (1:24.8-1:29.54) [Combine]
P11 - The Friendship Board: Part 1 (1:44.91-1:46.66) [Combine]
S8 - How to Be My Friend (1:30.33-End) [Combine and rename to "The Friendship Board"]
S10 - Bonding (1:17)
S7 - Night Light (2:38)
P13 - Incredulous Co-Founder: Part 1 (:00-:01.14) [Combine]
S9 - The Co-Founder (:00.4-:22.85) [Combine]
P13 - Incredulous Co-Founder: Part 1 (:23.45-:25.33) [Combine]
S9 - The Co-Founder (:23.8-:31.07) [Combine]
P13 - Incredulous Co-Founder: Part 1 (:32.55-:36.92) [Combine]
S9 - The Co-Founder (:33.7-:39.45) [Combine]
P13 - Incredulous Co-Founder: Part 1 (:42.43-:46.47) [Combine]
S9 - The Co-Founder (:41-:55.28) [Combine]
P13 - Incredulous Co-Founder: Part 1 (1:00.4-1:03) [Combine]
S9 - The Co-Founder (:55.32-1:06.52) [Combine]
P13 - Incredulous Co-Founder: Part 1 (1:13.65-1:14.59) [Combine]
S9 - The Co-Founder (1:07.06-1:20.22) [Combine]
P13 - Incredulous Co-Founder: Part 1 (1:27.74-End) [Combine and rename to "Incredulous Co-Founder"]
S11 - Misguided Mission (:55)
S15 - Schoolyard Rave (1:29)
S12 - Unlocked and Out of Control (1:48)
S13 - Two-Way Street (1:14)
S14 - Unhinged (1:26)
P14 - Best Friend Out of the Box: Part 1 (:00-0:05) [Combine]
S16 - Best Friend Out of the Box (:02.55-1:27.78) [Combine]
P14 - Best Friend Out of the Box: Part 1 (1:30.15-End) [Combine and retain the name "Best Friend Out of the Box"]
S17 - Bot Pursuit (:56)
S18 - Freedom in the Forest (2:26)
S19 - Missing (:00-:35.79) [Combine]
S19 - Missing (:56.46-End) [Combine]
S19 - Missing (:35.79-:56.46) [Combine and retain the name]
S20 - Lost in the Woods (:44.73-End) [Combine]
S20 - Lost in the Woods (:00-:44.73) [Combine and retain the name]
S21 - My Life for Yours (2:23)
S22 - Rallying Cry (3:06)
S23 - Headquarters Heist (3:46)
S24 - Behold the Cloud (1:42)
P15 - Sacrificial Upload (:00-:19.34) [Combine]
S25 - We'll Find Each Other (:03.3-1:38.57) [Combine]
P15 - Sacrificial Upload (1:54.62-2:04.83) [Combine]
S25 - We'll Find Each Other (1:45.78-3:12.05) [Combine]
P15 - Sacrificial Upload (3:31.08-3:35.08) [Combine]
S25 - We'll Find Each Other (3:14.98-End) [Combine and retain the name "We'll Find Each Other"]
S26 - Fully Uploaded (1:15)
S27 - A Vision Restored (:23)
K5 - Crush - Tae Gyun Kim (4:05)
S28 - Hanging Out (2:00)
S30 - New Friends - Dave Bayley (1:42)
S31 - Sunshine - Liam Payne (2:44)
P16 - The Friendship Suite (2:39)

Bonus Tracks:
S29 - Middle School (4:27)
S32 - A Quirk in the System (3:18)

AN-BB = Balkan Bonaza (Audio Network Library)
CK = Football Hits for Kids
EM-OS = Old Skool Hip Hop (Extreme Music Library)
K = K-Pop
P = For Your Consideration Promo (Site Download)
S = Score

Note: Some of the cues from the FYC promo do not match the film edits. This version attempts to include as much from each source as possible.

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Toy Story 2 (Film Version)
P1 - Space (3:43)
C8 - Woody's Dream (:31-1:02) [Rename to "Where's Hat?"]
C8 - Woody's Dream (:00-:31) [Rename to "Bo Knows Woody"]
C8 - Woody's Dream (1:10-1:31) [Rename to "Got Hat"]
C8 - Woody's Dream (1:02-1:10) [Rename to "Good Dog"]
P3 - Woody's Dream (:00-2:08.64)
P4 - Wheezy and the Yard Sale (1:46)
C6 - Woody's Been Stolen (:00-:07.61) [Combine]
P5 - Woody Gets Stolen (2:13) [Combine and retain the name]
P6 - Jessie / The Chicken Man (2:56)
P7 - The Round Up Gang (1:21)
C1 - Woody's Roundup - Riders in the Sky (1:54)*
C11 - Let's Save Woody (2:08)
P8 - Valuable Property (2:45)
C13 - Talk to Jesse (:20-End) [Rename to "Sad Bullseye"]
C11 - Let's Save Woody (1:15.88-1:52.94) [Combine]
P9 - Crossing the Street (:35.22-:48.52) [Combine and rename to "Crossing the Street"]
C14 - The Cleaner (:00-:43)
C15 - Al's Toy Barn (:00-:37.46) [Combine]
P9 - The Cleaner (:48.52-End) [Combine and retain the name "Rescue / The Cleaner"]
C15 - Al's Toy Barn (:51-1:52) [Rename to "The New Buzz"]
C16 - Pink Aisle Beach Party (Wipe Out) (2:49)
C15 - Al's Toy Barn (3:27-End) [Rename to "Turn into the Spin, Barbie"]
P10 - The New Buzz (:52.48-End) [Rename to "Make Amends"]
C2 - When She Loved Me - Sarah McLachlan (3:05)
C13 - Talk to Jesse (:00-:20) [Rename to "Woody Stays"]
C15 - Al's Toy Barn (1:51.94-3:06.96) [Rename to "Al Search / In the Bag / Splat!"]
P11 - The Toy Story / Zurg! (1:30)
C18 - Use Your Head (:00-:25) [Rename to "Vent"]
C17 - Emperor Zurg Vs. Buzz (2:03-2:14) [Rename to "Real Buzz"]
P12 - Use Your Head (3:47)
P13 - What About Woody? (:00-:58.35)
C19 - Out Of The Box (:52.08-End)
C17 - Emperor Zurg Vs. Buzz (:44-2:03)
C20 - Building The Bird (Elevator Version) (1:35)
C17 - Emperor Zurg Vs. Buzz (2:14-End) [Combine and rename to "Zurg Falls"]
C21 - Pizza Planet Rocks! (1:30)
P14 - Ride Like the Wind (2:15)
P15 - Woody's Finest Hour (1:28)
P16 - Andy's Back (:40)
C24 - Welcome Home Andy (:36.94-End) [Rename to "A Family"]
C3 - You've Got a Friend in Me (Wheezy's Version) - Robert Goulet (2:56)

Bonus Tracks:
C8 - Woody's Dream (1:31-End) [Album Version]
C6 - Woody's Been Stolen (1:29) [Album Version]
C9 - Jesse and the Round Up Gang (1:24) [Album Version]
C18 - Use Your Head (:46-End) [Rename to "Shaft / Use Your Head (Album Version)"]
C22 - Jesse's In Trouble (2:15) [Album Version]
C23 - Ride Like The Wind (1:27) [Unedited Version]
C25 - You've Got a Friend in Me (Instrumental Version) - Tom Scott (2:58)

* = Also heard after C3

A = Soundtrack
C = Cast and Crew Promo
P = For Your Consideration Promo

Disenchanted (2022)

A1 - Andalasia - Griffin Newman (4:30)
A2 - Even More Enchanted - Amy Adams (2:57)
A3 - The Magic of Andalasia - James Marsden and Idina Menzel (2:53)
A4 - Fairytale Life (The Wish) - Amy Adams (2:54)
A5 - Fairytale Life (After the Spell) - Amy Adams, Gabriella Baldacchino and Patrick Dempsey (4:03)
A6 - Perfect - Gabriella Baldacchino, Ann Harada, James Monroe Iglehart and Michael McCorry Rose (3:14)
A7 - Badder - Amy Adams and Maya Rudolph (3:21)
A8 - Love Power - Idina Menzel (4:16)
A9 - Love Power (Reprise) - Amy Adams (1:50)
A10 - Even More Enchanted (Finale) - Amy Adams (1:37)
A14 - Love Power (End Credits Version) - Idina Menzel (2:58)
A11 - Disenchanted Score Suite (7:44)

Bonus Tracks:
A12 - Hard Times for Heroes (Demo) - Patrick Dempsey, Ann Harada, James Monroe Igleheart and Michael McCorry Rose (3:47)
A13 - Something Different This Year (Demo) - Gabriella Baldacchino and Kolton Stewart (3:36)

A = Soundtrack

Note: Most of A11 is unheard in the final film and as sequenced allows for a better end to the album than repeating the songs (as heard in the end credits).

Cruella (2021)

S2 - Cruella - Disney Castle Logo (:45)
A2 - Bloody Well Right - Supertramp (4:33)
A3 - Whisper Whisper - Bee Gees (3:25)
S3 - The Baroque Ball (2:01)
TA6 - Inside-Looking Out - The Animals (3:48)
S4 - The Most Dreadful Accident (1:18)
S5 - The Drive to London (1:36)
SG3 - Watch the Dog That Bring the Bone - Sandy Gaye (2:18)
S6 - Red Hair Dye (:24)
RS2T - 15 - She's a Rainbow - The Rolling Stones (4:11)
JT1 - I Gotcha - Joe Tex (2:18)
Z1 - Time of the Season - The Zombies (3:30)
NS1 - These Boots Are Made for Walkin' - Nancy Sinatra (2:43)
A4 - Five to One - The Doors (4:25)
A5 - Feeling Good - Nina Simone (2:52)
S7 - The Baroness Needs Looks (1:08)
A6 - Fire - Ohio Players (4:34)
S8 - I Think You're Something (2:10)
S9 - Everything's Going So Well (:41)
S10 - The Necklace (1:33)
S11 - The Angle (1:10)
S12 - Surveillance (1:44)
A7 - Whole Lotta Love - Ike & Tina Turner (4:40)
SQ6 - The Wild One - Suzi Quatro (3:47)
DP2 - Hush - Deep Purple (4:25)
S13 - I Like to Make an Impact (1:52)
S14 - Oh, That's a Hybrid (1:43)
A8 - Livin' Thing (2012 Version) - Electric Light Orchestra (3:41)
A9 - Stone Cold Crazy - Queen (2:15)
S15 - Revenge / Let's Begin (3:38)
RR1 - Car Wash - Rose Royce (5:06)
DB8 - Boys Keep Swinging - David Bowie (3:18)
A10 - One Way Or Another - Blondie (3:27)
TM1T1 - I Get Ideas - Tony Martin (2:42)
A11 - Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash (3:07)
A12 - I Love Paris - Georgia Gibbs (2:30)
A13 - Love Is Like a Violin - Ken Dodd (2:10)
NP1 - Theme from A Summer Place - Norrie Paramor and his Orchestra (2:38)
DD1 - Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - Doris Day (2:32)
S16 - Putting the Dresses in the Safe (:42)
JD2 - You're Such a Good Looking Woman - Joe Dolan (2:55)
S17 - Get It Open / Moths (1:50)
A14 - I Wanna Be Your Dog - John McCrea (3:55)
S18 - Oh, That's Why You're Peeved (2:47)
JG5 - Smile (Live) - Judy Garland (3:50)
S19 - The True Story of Cruella's Birth (1:55)
S20 - I'm Cruella (4:21)
N5 - Nightmares - The J. Geils Band (1:13)
N9 - Gettin' Out - The J. Geils Band (5:48)
BF6 - Eternelle - Brigitte Fontaine (2:23)
A15 - Come Together - Ike & Tina Turner (3:37)
S21 - A Great Tribute / She's Here (3:45)
S22 - The Cliff (4:33)
S23 - She Jumped! (:50)
S24 - Goodbye, Estella (1:51)
BS2 - The Wizard - Black Sabbath (4:22)
RS3T13 - Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones (6:25)
S1/A1 - Call me Cruella - Florence and the Machine (2:07)
U - Cruella De Vil - Kayvan Novak
S12 - Surveillance (1:44)*
S19 - The True Story of Cruella's Birth (1:55)*
S7 - The Baroness Needs Looks (1:08)*
S3 - The Baroque Ball (2:01)*

Bonus Tracks:
S25 - Call me Cruella (Instrumental Version) (2:06)
S26 - Orchestral Waltz (2:09)

* = End Credits

A = Soundtrack
BF = Brigitte Fontaine Est...
BS = Black Sabbath
DB = Lodger
DD = Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps
DP = Shades of Deep Purple
JD = The Very Best of Joe Dolan
JG = Judy Garland Greatest Hits: Live
JT = I Gotcha: Joe Tex Greatest Hits
N = Nightmares...And Other Tales from the Jungle
NP = Theme From "A Summer Place"
NS = The Very Best of Nancy Sinatra
RR = Best of Rose Royce from Car Wash
RS2/RS3 = The Rolling Stones: Singles Collection - The London Years
S = Score
SG = Can You Feel That Beat: Funk 45s & Other Rare Grooves
SQ = The Rock Box (1973-1979)
TA = Animalization
TM1T = Tony Martin: I Get Ideas - His 52 Finest
U = Unreleased
Z = Time of the Season / Tell Her No

Most information provided by jjstarA113.

Jungle Cruise (2021)

Jungle Cruise
S2 - Nothing Else Matters (Jungle Cruise Version Part 1) - Metallica (1:27)
S3 - Breaking Into the Archives (4:02)
S4 - Stop Her! (2:33)
S5 - A Steamer to Brazil (1:57)
S6 - Jungle Cruise (1:54)
S7 - Nilo (1:12)
S8 - Frank Breaks In (1:19)
S9 - Preparing to Set Sail (2:53)
S10 - Market Chase (2:45)
S11 - Sub Attack (2:14)
S12 - Encantado (1:18)
S13 - The Rapids (3:42)
S14 - Lily Snoops (2:29)
S15 - Trader Sam (1:25)
S16 - The Tree Fight (5:57)
S17 - Lily Finds Frank (1:17)
S18 - Joachim and the Bees (1:11)
S20 - I Built a Boat (:00-:49.4) [Rename to "What Are You?"]
S19 - Nothing Else Matters (Jungle Cruise Version Part 2) - Metallica (4:29)
S20 - I Built a Boat (:49.4-End)
S21 - La Luna Rota (1:24)
S22 - Underwater Puzzle (4:36)
S23 - Petal Negotiations (3:44)
S24 - Conquistadors Arrive (2:38)
S25 - One Last Cruise (1:19)
S26 - I Want You to Rest Now (3:47)
S27 - Absolutely Exhausting (1:00)
S1 - Jungle Cruise Suite (8:20)

S = Score

Frozen 2 (2019)

Frozen 2
D2T1 - Introduction (:59)
D2T2 - The Northuldra (2:35)
D1T1 - All Is Found - Evan Rachel Wood (2:05)
D1T2 - Some Things Never Change - Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff and Cast (3:29)
D2T3 - Sisters (1:05)
D1T3 - Into the Unknown - Idina Menzel and AURORA (3:14)
D2T4 - Exodus (1:21)
D2T5 - The Mist (2:42)
D1T4 - When I Am Older - Josh Gad (1:51)
D2T6 - Wind (3:06)
D2T8 - Fire and Ice (3:16)
D2T7 - Iduna's Scarf (4:37)
D2T9 - Earth Giants (1:57)
D1T5 - Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People (Cont.) - Jonathan Groff (:26)
D1T6 - Lost in the Woods - Jonathan Groff (3:00)
D2T10 - The Ship (4:55)
D2T11 - River Slide (2:32)
D2T12 - Dark Sea (2:47)
D1T7 - Show Yourself - Idina Menzel and Evan Rachel Wood (4:20)
D2T13 - Ghosts of Arendelle Past (2:58)
D2T14 - Gone Too Far (3:44)
D1T8 - The Next Right Thing - Kristen Bell (3:36)
D2T15 - Rude Awakening (2:05)
D2T16 - The Flood (3:34)
D2T17 - Reindeer Circle (1:40)
D2T18 - Reunion (3:50)
D2T19 - Epilogue (3:25)
D1T9 - Into the Unknown (Panic! At The Disco Version) - Panic! At The Disco (3:09)
D1T10 - All Is Found (Kacey Musgraves Version) - Kacey Musgraves (3:03)
D1T11 - Lost in the Woods (Weezer Version) - Weezer (3:05)

Bonus Tracks:
D1T12 - All Is Found (Lullaby Ending) (Outtake) - Evan Rachel Wood (1:54)
D1T13 - Home (Outtake) - Kristen Bell (2:56)
D1T14 - I Seek the Truth (Outtake) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Patti Murin (4:01)
D1T15 - Unmeltable Me (Outtake) - Josh Gad (1:25)
D1T16 - Get This Right (Outtake) - Jonathan Groff and Kristen Bell (3:46)
D1T17 - All Is Found (Instrumental) (2:07)
D1T18 - Some Things Never Change (Instrumental) (3:27)
D1T19 - Into the Unknown (Instrumental) (3:16)
D1T20 - When I Am Older (Instrumental) (1:52)
D1T21 - Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People (Cont.) (Instrumental) (0:14)
D1T22 - Lost in the Woods (Instrumental) (3:01)
D1T23 - Show Yourself (Instrumental) (4:18)
D1T24 - The Next Right Thing (Instrumental) (3:36)
D1T25 - Into the Unknown (Panic! At The Disco Version Instrumental) (3:08)
D1T26 - All Is Found (Kacey Musgraves Version Instrumental) (3:01)
D1T27 - Lost in the Woods (Weezer Version Instrumental) (3:02)

D1 - Deluxe Edition (Disc 1) / Song Release (Tracks 1-11)
D2 - Deluxe Edition (Disc 2) / Score Release (Tracks 1-19)

Note: The music on the For Your Consideration promo is found in it’s entirety on the score release as such it is not listed above.  There is a three-disc version that also has the songs in Japanese.

Luca (2021)

QC6 - Un bacio a mezzanotte - Quartetto Cetra (2:20)
MC3 - Gianni Schicchi: "O mio babbino caro" (Lauretta) - Maria Callas (2:38)*
S1 - Meet Luca (4:09)
S2 - Did You Hide? (1:04)
S3 - The Curious Fish (1:40)
S4 - You Forgot Your Harpoon (:39)
S5 - Phantom Tail (1:04.97-End)
S5 - Phantom Tail (:001:04.97)
S6 - Walking Is Just Like Swimming (2:02)
S7 - Vespa è Libertà (1:42)
S8 - You Hold the Ramp (1:00)
EB2 - Il gatto e la volpe - Edoardo Bennato (2:58)
S9 - Silenzio Bruno (:42)
S10 - That's the Dream (2:06)
S11 - The Bottom of the Ocean (1:52)
S12 - Take Me, Gravity (1:45)
S13 - Portorosso (1:36)
GM1 - Andavo A Cento All'Ora - Gianni Morandi (2:32)
S14 - Signor Vespa (1:18)
S15 - This Isn't Any Old Race (:00-:15.78)
M1T12 - Tintarella di luna - Mina (2:58)
S15 - This Isn't Any Old Race (:15.78-:32.77)
GM3 - Fatti Mandare Dalla Mamma A Prendere Il Latte - Gianni Morandi (2:14)
S15 - This Isn't Any Old Race (:32.77-End)
BR8 - Il barbiere di Siviglia: Largo al factotum (Figaro) - Roberto Servile (4:35)
S16 - Buonanotte, Boys (1:28)
S17 - Land Monsters Everywhere (:55)
S18 - Buongiorno Massimo (3:04)
S19 - The Out of Town Weirdo Tax (1:48)
S20 - Rules Are for Rule People (1:08)
S21 - How Humans Swim (1:04)
S22 - Not Our Kid (:49)
S23 - Telescope (2:46)
S24 - Beyond the Solar System (1:03)
S25 - We Don't Need Anybody (1:55)
RP1 - Viva la pappa col pomodoro - Rita Pavone (2:01)
S26 - The Sea Monster (3:34)
BR9 - Il barbiere di Siviglia: Una voce poco fa (Rosina) - Sonia Ganassi (5:56)
S27 - I Wish I Could Take It Back (4:01)
S28 - The Portorosso Cup (7:35)
S29 - How to Find the Good Ones (5:15)
S30 - Go Find Out for Me (1:39)
MV1 - Cittá Vuota - Mina (2:38)

* = Also heard after S6

BR = Best of Rossini
EB = Edoardo Bennato
GM = Questa E La Storia: Andavo A Cento All'ora
M = Ritratto: I Singoli Vol.1
MC = Callas Forever
MV = Citta' Vuota
QC = Un bacio a mezzanotte
RP = Viva la pappa col pomodoro
S = Score