P3 - Delirious - Prince (4:00)

Q12 - The Spanish Bolero (1:52)
Q3 - Rachel And The Hedison’s Plot (:26.7-End) [Combine]
Q3 - Rachel And The Hedison’s Plot (:00-:26.7) [Combine]
Q5 - Honk On This, Butt Head (1:19-End)
Q17 - A New Reality (:13.9-End)*
TV23 - Leave It To Beaver Theme (1:24)
Q4 - Ty Schemes (1:06)
Q6 - Len’s Garage (:00-:40.6)
Q5 - Honk On This, Butt Head (:00-1:19) [Rename to "Magic Typewriter"]
Q7 - Laura (:00-1:12)*
Q13 - Stage Directions (:00-:18) [Rename to "What's the Rush?"]
Q1 - To Save The Day (2:31)
Q8 - Back To The Stable (1:08)
Q22 - Jack Falls In Love (Pt. 2) (:36.6-End) [Rename to "Janet's Backstory"]
Q10 - Bump the Bumper (1:01.6-End) [Rename to "Peeping Ty”]*
Q11 - The Formula (2:20)
Q10 - Bump the Bumper (:00-:40.7)
Q9 - Falling In Love (1:50)
Q14 - Jack Gates (1:42)
Q15 - Mysterious Stranger (1:10)
Q2 - Writing A Drunken Fantasy (:34-End) [Rename to "Offering Rachel A Ride"]
Q24 - Searching For Her (1:16-End) [Rename to "Blindfold”]*
Q18 - Janet Let Down (:00-:25.6) [Rename to "He's Late"]
Q16 - Jack Gates’ Arrival (:25.9-:45.6) [Combine]
Q16 - Jack Gates’ Arrival (:00-:25.9) [Combine]
Q20 - Gates Is Shot (1:06)
Q16 - Jack Gates’ Arrival (:45.6-End) [Rename to "Jack Gates’ Departure"]
Q19 - Jack Falls In Love (Pt. 1) (:29.9-End) [Rename to "Back in Africa"]
Q7 - Laura (1:12-End) [Rename to "Trusting Rachel"]
Q18 - Janet Let Down (1:01.9-End) [Rename to "Regrets"]
Q2 - Writing A Drunken Fantasy (:00-:34)
U - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 In C-Sharp Minor - Leonard Pennario
Q6 - Len’s Garage (:40.6-End) [Rename to "Cheerleader"]
Q13 - Stage Directions (:18-End)
JB2 - It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World - James Brown (2:47)

Q17 - A New Reality (:00-:13.9) [Rename to "Another Rewrite"]
Q24 - Searching For Her (:41.1-1:16) [Rename to "Janet on the Stairs"]
Q19 - Jack Falls In Love (Pt. 1) (:00-:29.9)
Q18 - Janet Let Down (:25.6-1:01.9) [Rename to "Begging Forgiveness"]
Q21 - Ty’s Desperation (1:16) [Rename to "Janet Shot”]*
Q22 - Jack Falls In Love (Pt. 2) (:00-:36.6)
Q23 - The Rescue (3:17)
Q10 - Bump the Bumper (:40.7-1:01.6) [Rename to "Brain Tumor"]
Q24 - Searching For Her (:00-:41.4) [Rename to "Callbacks"]
U - Beyond Our Wildest Dreams - John Melnick
* = Partially or completely unused
JB = It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World
P = 1999
Q = Quartet Records (2014)
TV = Television's Greatest Hits, Vol. 1: From the 50s and 60s
U = Unknown/Unreleased