Star Wars (II): Attack of the Clones (2002)

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
S1 - Star Wars Main Title and Ambush On Coruscant (:00-1:41) [Rename to "Star Wars Main Title and The Arrival At Coruscant"]
S3 - Zam The Assassin and The Chase Through Coruscant (11:07)
S5 - Departing Coruscant (1:44)
S4 - Yoda and the Younglings (3:55)
S1 - Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant (2:11-End) [Rename to "Finding Kamino"]
S9 - Bounty Hunter's Pursuit (1:27-End) [Rename to "Interior Tipoca City"]
S8 - The Meadow Picnic (:00-2:29)
S1 - Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant (1:39-2:11) [Rename to "The Meeting With Fett"]
S6 - Anakin and Padmé (3:57)
S8 - The Meadow Picnic (2:29-End) [Rename to "Rainy Ramp and Anakin’s Nightmare"]
S7 - Jangos' Escape (3:48)
S9 - Bounty Hunter's Pursuit (:00-1:27) [Rename to "The Spare Canister Caper"]
S10 - Return To Tattooine (6:57)
S11 - The Tusken Camp and The Homestead (5:54)
T14 - On The Conveyor Belt (3:02)
S12 - Love Pledge and The Arena (8:29)
S13 - Confrontation With Count Dooku and Finale (10:45)

Bonus Track:
S2 - Across The Stars Love Theme (5:33)

S = Score (2002 Release)/2018 Release
T = Target Release

Originally posted at by Jason LeBlanc.


Memphis said...

Thank You for these!

Does the bonus track "On the Conveyor Belt" fit anywhere?

Bryant Burnette said...

"The Conveyor Belt" would go between S11 and S12, I think.

Unknown said...

Thank you for putting this together! Out of curiosity, shouldn't "Across the Stars (Love Theme)" be after "Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale"? From what I can hear, the end credits segment of "Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale" is mostly the same as "Across the Stars (Love Theme)", but the very end of "Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale" has a bit of "Anakin's Theme" from The Phantom Menace and "The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)" from The Empire Strikes Back. Then, listening to the end credits of the Attack of the Clones DVD from the 2013 Prequel Trilogy DVD/Blu-Ray set, the very end of the end credits is the same as the very end of "Across the Stars (Love Theme)", not the very end of "Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale". So maybe the end credits segment of "Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale" was the original but unused credits music, or maybe it is used as the end credits segment in a different version of the movie than the DVD mentioned above, but I just thought I would mention it.